Interesting early summer whale watching
Mark Girardeau

Where are the humpbacks? The last two years around this time, we had several humpbacks sightings almost every day! But this year, we had a couple humpback sightings in earlier months but we haven't seen one in over a month now, that's because the food seems to be different as we have more krill in our water than anchovies. Humpbacks love to eat anchovies but blue and fin whales feed on krill. Blue whales are the largest animals to ever roam the earth and fin whales are the second largest, they both feed on some of the smallest species in the ocean. While we have been seeing a few different blue whales over the last few days, we'll see what happens if the humpbacks show up or if the blue whales stick around, that's what makes the ocean so great is that it' always different each month, day, and even each trip. Sightings while aboard Newport Coastal Adventure and Davey's Locker Whale Watching.
Here are some photos of two blue whales which have been spotted Saturday and Sunday, there were also two different blue whales spotted on Friday, all identified by their dorsal fins.