Non-stop whales!
What an amazing weekend for whale watching! I spent the whole weekend on whale watching vessels from Davey's Locker and Newport Coastal Adventure. Besides the threat of rain which we actually did end up getting for about an hour on Sunday, we were still able to find whales during the rain, Northbounders and Southbounders! Just a few days prior was the first day of this migration where Northbound gray whales outnumbered Southbound gray whales which means we'll be seeing more migrating whales headed back North up to Alaska until around May which is when we will see the cow/calf pairs (moms and babies) as they swim very close to shore. We also had two types of dolphin on a couple of the trips, common dolphin and pacific white-sided dolphin. We are so fortunate to have year-round whale watching here and during these winter months is especally great for migrating gray whales.