Orange Heights Development

The destruction of a vital wildlife corridor
The quest for more money and greed brings developers to these undeveloped areas of Orange County looking to build more houses which equals more profit. Some of these areas like this particular property are a vital habitat for several endangered species and also serve as a vital corridor for animals to navigate safely between Irvine Regional Park and Peters Canyon.
This plot of land features a wildlife crossing underneath Santiago Canyon Road which serves as the only safe way for animals to cross in this area. In a time where wildlife crossings are being constructed and humans are more aware of how important these crossing are, this development will be taking away this vital wildlife crossing. Not only will animals be losing this vital corridor but they will also be losing this entire habitat of about 1,100 acres. Keep in mind, this is just one big chuck of many other developments that have also recently been developed along Santiago Canyon Road which have all had a major impact but this is the largest of them all.
The additional 1,180 units will bring in approximately 3,000+ residents here so you're talking a major increase in traffic, an added traffic light which create more delays, and more people that don't want wildlife around them. This project has too many negatives that just don't outweigh the positives.

The Mayor of Orange
Mayor Dan Slater has approved this development despite the majority of residents being opposed to this because of the increase in traffic. Besides the residents which almost 100% of oppose this, the native Tongva people consider this land as sacred as it features several known archeological sites. Those without a voice like all the animals that use this vital land would for sure be opposed to this as well but the mayor of Orange couldn't care less about those without a voice. Surveys that have been done here have all shown that this land should not be developed on but of course with the right amount of money to the right surveyors, that wording can be changed. This is going to be a big pay day for the mayor and the developers.
Several efforts have been made to reach Mayor Dan Slater but he refuses to answer the phone if you mention the "Orange Heights Development" and will not return any calls. Anyone that calls his office and asks about this, their number automatically gets put on a do not answer list. If you call their office (714) 744-2211, they always answer the first time you call but try calling back after you asked them about this project, good luck! It is absolutely insane to have a city that acts like this, extremely unprofessional and careless.