Bryde's Whale

Max length: 55 ft.
Max weight: 90,000 lbs.
Possible viewing months: June-October
Typically found in warmer tropical waters, Bryde's whales have started showing up here in recent years here when the water gets above 70°. It's not entirely known what their range or population is in the Eastern Pacific since they are not often seen. The proper way to pronounce this name is "broo-dus" which derived from the last name of a Norwegian whaler in South Africa.
Their behavior is different than the other whales we see here, typically surfacing for 1 breath at a time every 2-5 minutes or so, not often going on dives and never showing their fluke/tail. When seen in this area, they are typically feeding on anchovies or krill. The best way to identify this species is by the 3 ridges on their rostrum/head which is easily seen from a drone view, fin whales look very similar but have only 1 ridge on their rostrum.