Fur Seal
A very rare sight for Orange County since there are no breeding grounds in the area, it's possible to see a Northern fur seal (less likely) or a Guadalupe fur seal (more likely). The Guadalupe fur seals' main rookery is on Guadalupe Island far off Mexico but there is also a very small rookery of Guadalupe fur seals on San Miguel Island. Due to the very thick fur of a fur seal, about 300,000 hairs per square inch, they were hunted almost to extinction all around the world. Guadalupe fur seals were hunted to less than 50 left, luckily when the marine mammal protection act as well as protections in Mexico took place, these eared seals were able to recover. These are more closely related to sea lions as they have external ears flaps which true seals do not have and they can also walk on all 4 flippers which true seals cannot do.